The Postman collection is no longer supported. Please the Bruno API Example Collection instead.

Postman is a free, cross-platform app that makes it easy to experiment with APIs in a friendly interface. ShippingEasy's Postman collection will help you get started quickly.

It is recommended to use one of the official API client libraries instead of making API calls yourself, but the Postman collection includes a pre-request script that handles the request signing and can be used as an example of how the signing is done.

You can download Postman here. It's available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS.

Add the following to your Postman Environment. Add an Environment by clicking the "eye" icon, then "Add".

Add the following variables and values to your Postman environment:

API Key - Available from your account settings
API Secret - Available from your account settings
Store API Key - Available from your store settings

If you are using Postman for Web, you will need to install the Postman Agent otherwise you will see CORS errors.

Clicking the "Pre-request Script" Tab will show you a Javascript implementation of our request signing process.

After you have entered your account credentials, select "Get Orders" for the list of provided API calls, then click the blue "Send" button. You should see a response similar to the example below containing details about your orders.