API Reference
API Reference
These docs are for v1.1. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Not all of ShippingEasy's APIs are available via methods in the library. The ShippingEasy_ApiRequestor class, however, can be used to make requests and it handles the signing of the request with your API key and API secret.

For example, to create an EasyShip session:


include './lib/ShippingEasy.php';

$secret = "c2286793830dd8bf0f44c2e6b0fd8bed0e95a36d9ca8f0447de9ff5720cd";
$apiKey = "ebfef8ffe4aac8d4d8dd4f61b62e871";

$method = "post";
$path = "/partners/api/sessions";
$tmptimestamp = time();
$params = array("api_key" =>  $apiKey, "api_timestamp" => $tmptimestamp);
$json_body = array("session" => array("email" =>
"merchant@myemail.com", "name" => "Merchant Company Name", "external_identifier"
=> "43295"));

 $sear = new ShippingEasy_ApiRequestor();
 $res = $sear->request($method, $path, $params, $json_body, $apiKey, $secret);

 echo "<br/><pre>";
 echo "</pre><br/><br/>";


To access the PDF of an EasyShip shipping label (from the EasyShip server callback):


include './lib/ShippingEasy.php';

$secret = "c2286793830dd8bf0f44c2e6b0fd8bed0e95a36d9ca8f0447de9ff5720c58d";
$apiKey = "ebfef8ffe4aac8d4d8dd4f61b62e871";

$method = "get";
$path = "/partners/api/labels/4ca622c3a7f2a383c263ee58bfd43b13f288c66b2b63684";
$tmptimestamp = time();
$params = array("api_key" =>  $apiKey, "api_timestamp" => $tmptimestamp);

 $sear = new ShippingEasy_ApiRequestor();
 $res = $sear->request($method, $path, $params, NULL, $apiKey, $secret);

 echo "<br/><pre>";
 echo "</pre><br/><br/>";


To create a ShippingEasy account:


include './lib/ShippingEasy.php';

        $secret = "d7ea64a26b6276150e0f8cf06e15df55bfde465de1e870bab143f7978319d2";
        $apiKey = "dfaf30a31ed52255f3ef7d0f9ba6216";
        $method = "post";
       $path = "/partners/api/accounts";

        $tmptimestamp = time();
        echo "Timestamp: |" . $tmptimestamp . "|<br/><br/>";

        $params = array("api_key" =>  $apiKey, "api_timestamp" => $tmptimestamp);
        $json_body = array("account" => array("email" => "heberr@kuhlman.net", "first_name" => "Bonita", "last_name" => "Yundt", "company_name" => "Emard, Becker and Morissette", "phone_number" => "7871287490", "address" => "97509 Littel Throughway", "state" => "AA", "postal_code" => "46183", "country" => "Moldova", "password" => "abc123", "subscription_plan_code" => "basic", "city" => "North Marielastad"));

         $sear = new ShippingEasy_ApiRequestor();
         $res = $sear->request($method, $path, $params, $json_body, $apiKey, $secret);

To get the list of stores in a ShippingEasy account:


include './lib/ShippingEasy.php';

    $secret = "52950302eb92883a335ea87df4e2524ba867453d6f1c5e78db2912121";
    $apiKey = "55927788798c188a5dd1858eff525a4";
    $method = "get";
    $path = "/api/stores";

     $tmptimestamp = time();
     $params = array("api_key" =>  $apiKey, "api_timestamp" => $tmptimestamp);

      $sear = new ShippingEasy_ApiRequestor();
      $res = $sear->request($method, $path, NULL, NULL, $apiKey, $secret);

      echo "<br/><pre>";
      echo "</pre><br/><br/>";
