To retrieve multiple orders, call the findAll()
method on the Order resource class.
$order = new ShippingEasy_Order();
If successful the call will return a JSON hash included an array of orders and a hash metadata detailing the conditions used in the search as well as pagination details regarding the response.
Filtering Parameters
page | Integer The page to return in the paginated result set. |
per_page | Integer The number of result to include per pagein the paginated result set. Defaults to 50 if not specified and the maximum number of results returned per page is 200. |
last_updated_at | Datetime Filters the results by the orders' last updated at timestamp and only returns results with a timestamp newer than or equal to the specified value. Defaults to 1 week ago if not specified. The maxiumum time this value can be set to is 3 months ago. |
status | String or Array Filters the results by the orders' ShippingEasy order status. Defaults to "shipped". Possible values are "shipped" , "cleared", and "ready_for_shipment". It is possible to pass an array of statuses, e.g. ["shipping", "ready_for_shipment"]. |
includes | Adds information to the response. Specifying includes=products will deliver additional information (if available) about each product in the order. |
order_number | The external_order_identifier to search for |
Filtering Example
$order = new ShippingEasy_Order();
$order->findAll(array("page" => 1, "per_page" => 1, "status" => array("ready_for_shipment", "shipped"), "last_updated_at" => "2014-05-07 14:42:18 UTC"));
An example JSON response may be found here:
Filtering by Store Example
If you would like to filter your results to a specific store, initialize your object with the store api key:
$order = new ShippingEasy_Order("d8821dde1d32f408def40b77273d5c11");
$order->findAllByStore(array("page" => 1, "per_page" => 1, "status" => array("ready_for_shipment", "shipped"), "last_updated_at" => "2014-05-07 14:42:18 UTC"));
Possible Exceptions
Your credentials could not be authenticated.
The orders retrieved for one or more of the following reasons:
- The API timestamp could not be parsed.
The exception will contain a message that indicates which of these conditions failed.