API Reference
API Reference
These docs are for v1.1. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Thank you for using the ShippingEasy APIs. We have different APIs for different audiences. Please take a moment to read this overview before getting started.

This is an early draft of our new documentation site. You may find errors and / or missing references. We are working diligently to get the site updated and finished. We thank you for your patience.

Customer API

The customer API allows customers and partners to exchange information with the ShippingEasy system. This includes searching existing orders or creating new orders in a ShippingEasy account.

If you are working on developing an integration between ShippingEasy and a 3rd party e-commerce platform, the customer API provide all the resources you need to implement your integration.

Partner API

The partner APIs are for creating ShippingEasy customer accounts.

The Account Provisioning API allows a partner to streamline the ShippingEasy account creation process for customers that the partner refers to ShippingEasy.

EasyShip Widget

EasyShip is for partners who want to add a simple shipping widget to an ecommerce platform back-office environment. It allows merchants to seamlessly generate shipping labels in order to fulfill ecommerce orders. The supported workflow is:

  • Merchant clicks the EasyShip button within the partner's ecommerce platform.
  • Modal window opens pre-populated with order details including "ship to" and "ship from" addresses and product weight
  • Merchant reviews and edits details as needed
  • Merchant reviews rate quotes from the available shipment services
  • Merchant purchases a shipping label - EasyShip generates the shipment label and delivers it via email.